Section 9.94A.664. Residential chemical dependency treatment-based alternative.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A sentence for a residential chemical dependency treatment-based alternative shall include a term of community custody equal to one-half the midpoint of the standard sentence range or two years, whichever is greater, conditioned on the offender entering and remaining in residential chemical dependency treatment certified under *chapter 70.96A RCW for a period set by the court between three and six months.
    (2)(a) The court shall impose, as conditions of community custody, treatment and other conditions as proposed in the examination report completed pursuant to RCW 9.94A.660.
    (b) If the court imposes a term of community custody, the department shall, within available resources, make chemical dependency assessment and treatment services available to the offender during the term of community custody.
    (3)(a) If the court imposes a sentence under this section, the treatment provider must send the treatment plan to the court within thirty days of the offender's arrival to the residential chemical dependency treatment program.
    (b) Upon receipt of the plan, the court shall schedule a progress hearing during the period of residential chemical dependency treatment, and schedule a treatment termination hearing for three months before the expiration of the term of community custody.
    (c) Before the progress hearing and treatment termination hearing, the treatment provider and the department shall submit written reports to the court and parties regarding the offender's compliance with treatment and monitoring requirements, and recommendations regarding termination from treatment.
    (4) At a progress hearing or treatment termination hearing, the court may:
    (a) Authorize the department to terminate the offender's community custody status on the expiration date determined under subsection (1) of this section;
    (b) Continue the hearing to a date before the expiration date of community custody, with or without modifying the conditions of community custody; or
    (c) Impose a term of total confinement equal to one-half the midpoint of the standard sentence range, followed by a term of community custody under RCW 9.94A.701.
    (5) If the court imposes a term of total confinement, the department shall, within available resources, make chemical dependency assessment and treatment services available to the offender during the term of total confinement and subsequent term of community custody.
    *Reviser's note: Chapter 70.96A RCW was repealed and/or recodified in its entirety pursuant to 2016 1st sp.s. c 29 §§ 301, effective April 1, 2018, 601, and 701.
    Effective date2009 c 389 §§ 1 and 3-5: See note following RCW 9.94A.505.