Chapter 52.04. Annexation.  

Section 52.04.001. Actions subject to review by boundary review board.
Section 52.04.011. Annexation of territory by election method—Procedure—Indebtedness—Election dispensed with, when.
Section 52.04.021. Annexation by petition method—Alternative to election method.
Section 52.04.031. Annexation by petition method—Petition—Signers—Content.
Section 52.04.041. Annexation by petition method—Hearing—Notice.
Section 52.04.051. Annexation by petition method—Resolution providing for annexation.
Section 52.04.056. Withdrawal or reannexation of areas.
Section 52.04.061. Annexation of adjacent city or town—City or town in two counties—Procedure.
Section 52.04.071. Annexation of adjacent city, partial city, or town—Election.
Section 52.04.081. Annexation of adjacent city, partial city, or town—Annual tax levies—Limitations.
Section 52.04.091. Additional territory annexed by city to be part of district.
Section 52.04.101. Withdrawal by annexed city, partial city, or town—Election.
Section 52.04.111. Annexation of city, code city, partial city, or town—Transfer of employees.
Section 52.04.121. Annexation of city, partial city, or town—Transfer of employees—Rights and benefits.
Section 52.04.131. Annexation of city, code city, partial city, or town—Transfer of employees—Notice—Time limitation.
Section 52.04.141. Annexation of contiguous territory not in same county.
Section 52.04.151. Annexation of territory not in same county—District name.
Section 52.04.161. Newly incorporated city or town deemed annexed by district—Withdrawal.
Section 52.04.171. Annexation of property subject to excess levy—Repayment of voter-approved indebtedness.