Section 46.10.420. Snowmobile dealer licenses—Fee—License plates—Violation—License application upon sale.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Each dealer of snowmobiles in this state shall obtain a snowmobile dealer license from the department in a manner prescribed by the department. Upon receipt of an application for a snowmobile dealer's license and the fee provided in subsection (2) of this section, the dealer is licensed and a snowmobile dealer license number must be assigned.
    (2) The annual license fee for a snowmobile dealer is twenty-five dollars, which covers all of the snowmobiles offered by a dealer for sale and not rented on a regular, commercial basis. Snowmobiles rented on a regular commercial basis by a snowmobile dealer must be registered separately under RCW 46.10.310, 46.10.400, 46.10.430, and 46.10.440.
    (3) Upon the issuance of a snowmobile dealer license, a snowmobile dealer may purchase, at a cost to be determined by the department, snowmobile dealer license plates of a size and color to be determined by the department. The snowmobile dealer license plates must contain the snowmobile license number assigned to the dealer. Each snowmobile operated by a dealer, dealer representative, or prospective customer for the purposes of demonstration or testing shall display snowmobile dealer license plates in a clearly visible manner.
    (4) Only a dealer, dealer representative, or prospective customer may display a snowmobile dealer plate, and only a dealer, dealer representative, or prospective customer may use a snowmobile dealer's license plate for the purposes described in subsection (3) of this section.
    (5) Snowmobile dealer licenses are nontransferable.
    (6) It is unlawful for any snowmobile dealer to sell a snowmobile at wholesale or retail, or to test or demonstrate any snowmobile, within the state, unless the dealer has a snowmobile dealer license as required under this section.
    (7) When a snowmobile is sold by a snowmobile dealer, the dealer:
    (a) Shall apply for licensing in the purchaser's name as provided by rules adopted by the department; and
    (b) May issue a temporary license as provided by rules adopted by the department.
    Effective dateIntentLegislation to reconcile chapter 161, Laws of 2010 and other amendments made during the 2010 legislative session2010 c 161: See notes following RCW 46.04.013.
    Severability1990 c 250: See note following RCW 46.18.215.