Section 43.185C.060. Home security fund account.  

Latest version.
  • The home security fund account is created in the state treasury, subject to appropriation. The state's portion of the surcharge established in RCW 36.22.179 and 36.22.1791 must be deposited in the account. Expenditures from the account may be used only for homeless housing programs as described in this chapter. If an independent audit finds that the department has failed to set aside at least forty-five percent of funds received under RCW 36.22.179(1)(b) after June 12, 2014, for the use of private rental housing payments, the department must submit a corrective action plan to the office of financial management within thirty days of receipt of the independent audit. The office of financial management must monitor the department's corrective action plan and expenditures from this account for the remainder of the fiscal year. If the department is not in compliance with RCW 36.22.179(1)(b) in any month of the fiscal year following submission of the corrective action plan, the office of financial management must reduce the department's allotments from this account and hold in reserve status a portion of the department's appropriation equal to the expenditures made during the month not in compliance with RCW 36.22.179(1)(b).