Section 43.185C.265. Youth services—Officer taking child into custody—Procedure—Transporting to home, crisis residential center, custody of department of social and health services, or juvenile detention facility.  

Latest version.
  • (1) An officer taking a child into custody under RCW 43.185C.260(1) (a) or (b) shall inform the child of the reason for such custody and shall:
    (a) Transport the child to his or her home or to a parent at his or her place of employment, if no parent is at home. The parent may request that the officer take the child to the home of an adult extended family member, responsible adult, crisis residential center, the department of social and health services, or a licensed youth shelter. In responding to the request of the parent, the officer shall take the child to a requested place which, in the officer's belief, is within a reasonable distance of the parent's home. The officer releasing a child into the custody of a parent, an adult extended family member, responsible adult, or a licensed youth shelter shall inform the person receiving the child of the reason for taking the child into custody and inform all parties of the nature and location of appropriate services available in the community; or
    (b) After attempting to notify the parent, take the child to a designated crisis residential center's secure facility or a center's semi-secure facility if a secure facility is full, not available, or not located within a reasonable distance if:
    (i) The child expresses fear or distress at the prospect of being returned to his or her home which leads the officer to believe there is a possibility that the child is experiencing some type of abuse or neglect;
    (ii) It is not practical to transport the child to his or her home or place of the parent's employment; or
    (iii) There is no parent available to accept custody of the child; or
    (c) After attempting to notify the parent, if a crisis residential center is full, not available, or not located within a reasonable distance, request the department of social and health services to accept custody of the child. If the department of social and health services determines that an appropriate placement is currently available, the department of social and health services shall accept custody and place the child in an out-of-home placement. Upon accepting custody of a child from the officer, the department of social and health services may place the child in an out-of-home placement for up to seventy-two hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, without filing a child in need of services petition, obtaining parental consent, or obtaining an order for placement under chapter 13.34 RCW. Upon transferring a child to the department of social and health services' custody, the officer shall provide written documentation of the reasons and the statutory basis for taking the child into custody. If the department of social and health services declines to accept custody of the child, the officer may release the child after attempting to take the child to the following, in the order listed: The home of an adult extended family member; a responsible adult; or a licensed youth shelter. The officer shall immediately notify the department of social and health services if no placement option is available and the child is released.
    (2) An officer taking a child into custody under RCW 43.185C.260(1) (c) or (d) shall inform the child of the reason for custody. An officer taking a child into custody under RCW 43.185C.260(1)(c) may release the child to the supervising agency, or shall take the child to a designated crisis residential center's secure facility. If the secure facility is not available, not located within a reasonable distance, or full, the officer shall take the child to a semi-secure crisis residential center. An officer taking a child into custody under RCW 43.185C.260(1)(d) may place the child in a juvenile detention facility as provided in RCW 43.185C.270 or a secure facility, except that the child shall be taken to detention whenever the officer has been notified that a juvenile court has entered a detention order under this chapter or chapter 13.34 RCW.
    (3) Every officer taking a child into custody shall provide the child and his or her parent or parents or responsible adult with a copy of the statement specified in RCW 43.185C.290(6).
    (4) Whenever an officer transfers custody of a child to a crisis residential center or the department of social and health services, the child may reside in the crisis residential center or may be placed by the department of social and health services in an out-of-home placement for an aggregate total period of time not to exceed seventy-two hours excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Thereafter, the child may continue in out-of-home placement only if the parents have consented, a child in need of services petition has been filed, or an order for placement has been entered under chapter 13.34 RCW.
    (5) The department of social and health services shall ensure that all law enforcement authorities are informed on a regular basis as to the location of all designated secure and semi-secure facilities within centers in their jurisdiction, where children taken into custody under RCW 43.185C.260 may be taken.
    Short title2015 c 69: See RCW 43.330.911.
    Effective date2000 c 162 §§ 11-17: "Sections 11 through 17 of this act take effect July 1, 2002." [ 2000 c 162 § 21.]
    FindingsShort titleIntentConstruction1996 c 133: See notes following RCW 13.32A.197.
    Short title1995 c 312: See note following RCW 13.32A.010.
    FindingIntentSeverability1994 sp.s. c 7: See notes following RCW 43.70.540.
    Severability1985 c 257: See note following RCW 13.34.165.
    Severability1981 c 298: See note following RCW 13.32A.040.
    Effective dateSeverability1979 c 155: See notes following RCW 13.04.011.