Section 43.105.285. Technology services board—Created—Composition.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The technology services board is created within the agency.
    (2) The board shall be composed of thirteen members. Six members shall be appointed by the governor, three of whom shall be representatives of state agencies or institutions, and three of whom shall be representatives of the private sector. Of the state agency representatives, at least one of the representatives must have direct experience using the software projects overseen by the board or reasonably expect to use the new software developed under the oversight of the board. Two members shall represent the house of representatives and shall be selected by the speaker of the house of representatives with one representative chosen from each major caucus of the house of representatives; two members shall represent the senate and shall be appointed by the president of the senate with one representative chosen from each major caucus of the senate. One member shall be the director who shall be a voting member of the board and serve as chair. Two nonvoting members with information technology expertise must be appointed by the governor as follows:
    (a) One member representing state agency bargaining units shall be selected from a list of three names submitted by each of the general government exclusive bargaining representatives; and
    (b) One member representing local governments shall be selected from a list of three names submitted by commonly recognized local government organizations.
    The governor may reject all recommendations and request new recommendations.
    (3) Of the initial members, three must be appointed for a one-year term, three must be appointed for a two-year term, and four must be appointed for a three-year term. Thereafter, members must be appointed for three-year terms.
    (4) Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner that the original appointments were made for the remainder of the member's term.
    (5) Members of the board shall be reimbursed for travel expenses as provided in RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.
    (6) The office shall provide staff support to the board.
    Effective date2015 3rd sp.s. c 1 §§ 101-109, 201-224, 406-408, 410, 501-507, 601, and 602: See note following RCW 43.105.007.
    Effective datePurpose2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following RCW 43.19.003.