Chapter 41.04. General provisions.
Chapter 41.05. State health care authority.
Chapter 41.05A. Overpayments of assistance and coordination of benefits.
Chapter 41.06. State civil service law.
Chapter 41.07. Central personnel-payroll system.
Chapter 41.08. Civil service for city firefighters.
Chapter 41.12. Civil service for city police.
Chapter 41.14. Civil service for sheriff's office.
Chapter 41.16. Firefighters' relief and pensions—1947 act.
Chapter 41.18. Firefighters' relief and pensions—1955 act.
Chapter 41.20. Police relief and pensions in first-class cities.
Chapter 41.22. Law enforcement chaplains.
Chapter 41.24. Volunteer firefighters' and reserve officers' relief and pensions.
Chapter 41.26. Law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system.
Chapter 41.28. Retirement of personnel in certain first-class cities.
Chapter 41.31A. Extraordinary investment gains—Plan 3.
Chapter 41.32. Teachers' retirement.
Chapter 41.33. Teachers' retirement—Federal social security.
Chapter 41.34. Plan 3 retirement system contributions.
Chapter 41.35. Washington school employees' retirement system.
Chapter 41.37. Washington public safety employees' retirement system.
Chapter 41.40. Washington public employees' retirement system.
Chapter 41.41. State employees' retirement—Federal social security.
Chapter 41.44. Statewide city employees' retirement.
Chapter 41.45. Actuarial funding of state retirement systems.
Chapter 41.47. Acceptance of old age and survivors' insurance—1941 act.
Chapter 41.48. Federal social security for public employees.
Chapter 41.50. Department of retirement systems.
Chapter 41.54. Portability of public retirement benefits.
Chapter 41.56. Public employees' collective bargaining.
Chapter 41.58. Public employment labor relations.
Chapter 41.59. Educational employment relations act.
Chapter 41.60. State employees' suggestion awards and incentive pay.
Chapter 41.68. Reparations to state employees terminated during World War II.
Chapter 41.72. Law enforcement medal of honor.
Chapter 41.76. Public four-year institutions of higher education—Faculty labor relations.
Chapter 41.80. State collective bargaining.