Chapter 39.34. Interlocal cooperation act.  

Section 39.34.010. Declaration of purpose.
Section 39.34.020. Definitions.
Section 39.34.030. Joint powers—Agreements for joint or cooperative action, requisites, effect on responsibilities of component agencies—Joint utilization of architectural or engineering services—Financing of joint projects.
Section 39.34.040. Methods of filing agreements—Status of interstate agreements—Real party in interest—Actions.
Section 39.34.050. Duty to submit agreement to jurisdictional state officer or agency.
Section 39.34.055. Public purchase agreements with public benefit nonprofit corporations.
Section 39.34.060. Participating agencies may appropriate funds and provide personnel, property, and services.
Section 39.34.070. Authority of joint boards to receive loans or grants.
Section 39.34.080. Contracts to perform governmental activities which each contracting agency is authorized to perform.
Section 39.34.085. Agreements for operation of bus services.
Section 39.34.090. Agencies' contracting authority regarding electricity, utilities' powers, preserved.
Section 39.34.100. Powers conferred by chapter are supplemental.
Section 39.34.110. Powers otherwise prohibited by Constitutions or federal laws.
Section 39.34.130. Transactions between state agencies—Charging of costs—Regulation by director of financial management.
Section 39.34.140. Transactions between state agencies—Procedures for payments through transfers upon accounts.
Section 39.34.150. Transactions between state agencies—Advancements.
Section 39.34.160. Transactions between state agencies—Time limitation for expenditure of advance—Unexpended balance.
Section 39.34.170. Transactions between state agencies—Powers and authority cumulative.
Section 39.34.180. Criminal justice responsibilities—Interlocal agreements—Termination.
Section 39.34.190. Watershed management plan projects—Use of water-related revenues.
Section 39.34.200. Watershed management partnerships—Formation.
Section 39.34.210. Watershed management partnerships—Indebtedness—Bonds.
Section 39.34.215. Watershed management partnerships—Eminent domain authority.
Section 39.34.220. Watershed management plans—Additional authority for implementation—Existing agreements not affected.
Section 39.34.230. Covered emergencies—Interlocal agreements for mutual aid and cooperation—Liability of state—Existing rights.
Section 39.34.900. Short title.
Section 39.34.920. Effective date—1967 c 239.