Section 35A.14.900. Cancellation, acquisition of franchise or permit for operation of public service business in territory annexed—Regulation of solid waste collection.  

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  • The annexation by any code city of any territory pursuant to this chapter shall cancel, as of the effective date of such annexation, any franchise or permit theretofore granted to any person, firm or corporation by the state of Washington, or by the governing body of such annexed territory, authorizing or otherwise permitting the operation of any public utility, including but not limited to, public electric, water, transportation, garbage disposal or other similar public service business or facility within the limits of the annexed territory, but the holder of any such franchise or permit canceled pursuant to this section shall be forthwith granted by the annexing code city a franchise to continue such business within the annexed territory for a term of not less than seven years from the date of issuance thereof, and the annexing code city, by franchise, permit or public operation, shall not extend similar or competing services to the annexed territory except upon a proper showing of the inability or refusal of such person, firm or corporation to adequately service said annexed territory at a reasonable price: PROVIDED, That the provisions of this section shall not preclude the purchase by the annexing code city of said franchise, business, or facilities at an agreed or negotiated price, or from acquiring the same by condemnation upon payment of damages, including a reasonable amount for the loss of the franchise or permit. In the event that any person, firm or corporation whose franchise or permit has been canceled by the terms of this section shall suffer any measurable damages as a result of any annexation pursuant to the provisions of the laws above mentioned, such person, firm or corporation shall have a right of action against any code city causing such damages.
    After an annexation by a code city, the utilities and transportation commission shall continue to regulate solid waste collection within the limits of the annexed territory until such time as the city notifies the commission, in writing, of its decision to contract for solid waste collection or provide solid waste collection itself pursuant to RCW 81.77.020. In the event the annexing city at any time decides to contract for solid waste collection or decides to undertake solid waste collection itself, the holder of any such franchise or permit that is so canceled in whole or in part shall be forthwith granted by the annexing city a franchise to continue such business within the annexed territory for a term of not less than the remaining term of the original franchise or permit, or not less than seven years, whichever is the shorter period, and the city, by franchise, permit, or public operation, shall not extend similar or competing services to the annexed territory except upon a proper showing of the inability or refusal of such person, firm, or corporation to adequately service the annexed territory at a reasonable price. Upon the effective date specified by the code city council's ordinance or resolution to have the code city contract for solid waste collection or undertake solid waste collection itself, the transition period specified in this section begins to run. This section does not preclude the purchase by the annexing city of the franchise, business, or facilities at an agreed or negotiated price, or from acquiring the same by condemnation upon payment of damages, including a reasonable amount for the loss of the franchise or permit. In the event that any person, firm, or corporation whose franchise or permit has been canceled by the terms of this section suffers any measurable damages as a result of any annexation pursuant to this chapter, such person, firm, or corporation has a right of action against any city causing such damages.
    Severability1997 c 171: See note following RCW 35.02.160.