Section 35A.14.231. Territory subject to annexation proposal—When annexation by another city or incorporation allowed.  

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  • After a petition proposing an annexation by a code city has been filed with the city or the city legislative authority, or after a resolution proposing the annexation by a code city has been adopted by the city legislative authority, no territory included in the proposed annexation may be annexed by another city or town or incorporated into a city or town unless: (1) The boundary review board or county annexation review board created under RCW 35A.14.160 modifies the boundaries of the proposed annexation and removes the territory; (2) the boundary review board or county annexation review board created under RCW 35A.14.160 rejects the proposed annexation; or (3) the city legislative authority rejects the proposed annexation or voters defeat the ballot proposition authorizing the annexation.
    Effective date1994 c 216: See note following RCW 35.02.015.