Chapter 35A.11. Laws governing noncharter code cities and charter code cities—Powers.  

Section 35A.11.010. Rights, powers, and privileges.
Section 35A.11.020. Powers vested in legislative bodies of noncharter and charter code cities.
Section 35A.11.030. Applicability of general law.
Section 35A.11.035. Nonpolluting power generation by individual—Exemption from regulation—Authorization to contract with utility.
Section 35A.11.037. Hydroelectric resources—Separate legal authority—Creation by irrigation districts and cities, towns, or public utility districts.
Section 35A.11.040. Intergovernmental cooperation and action.
Section 35A.11.050. Statement of purpose and policy.
Section 35A.11.060. Participation in Economic Opportunity Act programs.
Section 35A.11.070. Tourist promotion.
Section 35A.11.080. Initiative and referendum—Election to exercise—Restriction or abandonment.
Section 35A.11.090. Initiative and referendum—Effective date of ordinances—Exceptions.
Section 35A.11.100. Initiative and referendum—Exercise of powers.
Section 35A.11.110. Members of legislative bodies authorized to serve as volunteer firefighters, volunteer ambulance personnel, or reserve law enforcement officers.
Section 35A.11.200. Criminal code repeal by city operating municipal court—Agreement covering costs of handling resulting criminal cases—Arbitration.
Section 35A.11.210. Juvenile curfews.