Chapter 35.67. Sewerage systems—Refuse collection and disposal.  

Section 35.67.010. Definitions—"System of sewerage," "public utility."
Section 35.67.020. Authority to construct system and fix rates and charges—Classification of services and facilities—Assistance for low-income persons.
Section 35.67.022. Extension outside city subject to review by boundary review board.
Section 35.67.025. Public property subject to rates and charges for storm water control facilities.
Section 35.67.030. Adoption of plan—Ordinance.
Section 35.67.065. General obligation bonds—Issuance.
Section 35.67.110. General obligation bonds—Payment—Revenue from service charges.
Section 35.67.120. Revenue bond fund—Authority to establish.
Section 35.67.130. Revenue bond fund—Limitations upon creation.
Section 35.67.140. Revenue bonds—Authority—Denominations—Terms.
Section 35.67.150. Revenue bonds—Signatures—Form.
Section 35.67.160. Revenue bonds—Obligation against fund, not city.
Section 35.67.170. Revenue bonds—Sale of—Other disposition.
Section 35.67.180. Revenue bonds—Remedy of owners.
Section 35.67.190. Revenues from system—Classification of services—Minimum rates—Compulsory use.
Section 35.67.194. Revenue bonds validated.
Section 35.67.200. Sewerage lien—Authority.
Section 35.67.210. Sewerage lien—Extent—Notice.
Section 35.67.215. Sewerage lien—Extension of coverage.
Section 35.67.220. Sewerage lien foreclosure—Parts—Tracts.
Section 35.67.230. Sewerage lien foreclosure—Limitation on time of commencement.
Section 35.67.240. Sewerage lien foreclosure—Procedure.
Section 35.67.250. Sewerage lien foreclosure—Trial.
Section 35.67.260. Sewerage lien foreclosure—Redemption.
Section 35.67.270. Sewerage sale acquired property—Disposition.
Section 35.67.280. Sewerage sale acquired property—Payment of delinquent taxes.
Section 35.67.290. Sewerage lien—Enforcement—Alternative method.
Section 35.67.300. Water-sewer districts and municipalities—Joint agreements.
Section 35.67.310. Sewers—Outside city connections.
Section 35.67.331. Water, sewerage, garbage systems—Combined facilities.
Section 35.67.340. Statutes governing combined facility.
Section 35.67.350. Penalty for sewer connection without permission.
Section 35.67.360. Conservation of storm water and sewer services—Use of public moneys.
Section 35.67.370. Mobile home parks—Replacement of septic systems—Charges for unused sewer service.
Section 35.67.380. Cooperative watershed management.